Monday, November 19, 2007

Medical exam and Red Couch Photo

We took the babies for their medical exams today. They took temperature, weight, height and looked at her ENT. There were three different stations and it didn't take long. Lilli was sleeping when we got there and she did great throughout the exam. She didn't cry, she was just looking around wondering what was going on. We had lunch with another mom and baby at the Thai restaurant again. In the afternoon we dressed the babies for the red couch photo. It was chaos, I'm not sure how they took a group picture, there were babies going every direction. Lilli did really well, she sat next to Lexi who fed her Cheerios the whole time so she was happy. She was even able to sit up the whole time without falling over. I was very impressed. After the photo we had a tea party in the hotel. They had lots of sweets and delicious desserts. The babies looked so sweet in the traditional Chinese clothes. The other Lily is doing much better now. Her parents took her to another doctor - the fourth one and he gave them some antibiotics. She is more active and we even got some smiles out of her. By the way, I'm not sure if anyone has been sending comments, unfortunately I can't view them. Blogger is very tempermental and sometimes it is difficult to even post. I hope everyone is able to see the pictures and see how adorable Lilli is.

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