Monday, November 12, 2007

Officially ours!!

Lilli slept for a full 8 hours without waking last night. I thought I might be up all the time but she slept straight through. We went to the Chinese Civil Affairs office today to sign the paperwork for her to become officially ours. Lilli and I got our picture taken together, then I had an interview stating that I was happy with her and promised never to abandon or abuse her. They also asked why I chose to come to China for adoption and what our plans for her education are. Then we headed over to the notary and then on to the passport building where they took Lilli's picture for her Chinese passport. As of today Lilli is ours according to the Chinese government!!! After the paperwork we went to the hotel to rest and relax.
The rest of our time in Nanchang is waiting for the passport to be completed.

Lilli is doing GREAT!!! I can't believe how happy, healthy and content she is. She loves to play and is very active. She loves to grab things and pays attention to everything that is going on around her. Edith and her were playing and we could swear that Lilli was trying to make Edith copy everything she did - raspberries, hitting her hand, smacking her lips. She is also VERY beautiful.
We went to Walmart to pick up baby supplies and were the center of attention as everyone wanted to see the babies and make sure they were covered from head to toe. The Chinese people believe that babies should be kept hot in order to stay healthy so they cover them with layers upon layers of clothes. Several ladies came over to point out to me that Lilli's hands were not covered so I pulled the blanket over her and they smiled. The Chinese people are so nice, friendly and curious. I love this culture!

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