Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nanchang orphanage & porcelain shopping

We went to the Nanchang orphanage today. Lilli did not come from this orphanage but most of the babies in our group did so the parents were excited to see the facility. The orphanage was very large and they separate the children by age group. Some of the children were special needs and very sweet and friendly. We went to the baby room where the children are brought when they are first found. There was a baby there born on November 11th. Most of the babies had IV's in their head and were just laying on slat boards with some type of towel or cushion over them with a bucket underneath to catch the waste. None of the orphanages use diapers. They even have a section in the orphanage for disabled women to work making quilts and beads. We bought a small quilt from them for Lilli.
After the orphange we went to porcelain shopping. Jiangxi province is known for its' porcelain because the quality of clay here is so good. I bought a beautiful tea set for Lilli - when you hold it up to the light you can see a village and people walking around.
We had our last group dinner in Nanchang tonight at another Chinese restaurant. Even though we are very tired of Chinese food - this food was very good and we enjoyed it.
Lilli is still doing great. Many of the other children are beginning to get sick and we are very thankful that Lilli is staying so healthy. Her personality comes out more and more each day. She is very happy and active. It is hard to hold her as she loves to squirm and move about. She has mastered rolling over and we expect her to be crawling any minute. She loves to drink water from a bottle and will eat anything that is put infront of her. I fall in love with her more and more each day.
We get Lilli's Chinese passport tomorrow and then we leave for Guangzhou, our last stop - our flight is at 2:30. It is nice to be one step closer to home.


Lil-Bel-Zac's Momma said...

Congrats on your baby girl...I surfed in...on a google search of my daughter's name Lilliana...SUCH a BEAUTIFUL name!


andmomwill said...

Sounds great! (except the part about the board/no diapers). Got up at 5:30am today to go deer huntng with Roy but we decided not to go. (I started working so I can go this afternoon). Andrew made the basketball team (then asked for a $120.00 pair of sneekers= not in this lifetime).He has since found his last year's pair (worn 3 times) and will make do with them.Andrew and I were invited to hunt with Alan tomorrow in the mountains, so we will be getting up around 4:00am.(He is off to a birthday party tonight after practice-its the daughter of one of the football coaches and he will be home watching them. I got a nice quilt for Lilly from Gary and Tracy- it has here name and dob engraved on it. (What's here dob? need to add her to our health insurance. I love you. Be ready for duck season! They're comming!